Camden NJ Murder LawyersCamden County police arrested two men who are allegedly connected to the shooting death of a Camden NJ resident.

The fatal shooting occurred not long after 11:00 p.m. on September 2, 2013. According to the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office, one of the suspects murdered the 29-year-old victim in a laundromat parking lot. The laundromat is located on the 3100 block of Westfield Avenue in Camden, New Jersey.

The other suspect was arrested because he allegedly facilitated the murder by providing the shooter with information about the location of the victim.

The main suspect in the killing, a 25-year-old man, was located and arrested at his home in Camden New Jersey. Members of the U.S. Marshal’s Service Regional Fugitive Task Force went to the suspect’s residence and placed him under arrest.

The other suspect, the one who allegedly provided the victim’s location prior to the fatal shooting, was arrested by police during a traffic stop in Camden, NJ. He faces criminal charges for conspiracy to commit murder.

The main suspect has been charged with first degree murder. If he is ultimately convicted on the homicide charges, he would face significant penalties. As set forth by N.J.S.A. 2C:11-3, murder is the most serious criminal offense in the NJ Criminal Code. A conviction on first degree murder charges could lead to life imprisonment, with a mandatory minimum term of incarceration of 30 years.

The main suspect in homicide is currently being held at the Camden County Jail on a massive bail amount of $1.5 million.

For further information about this case, access the article, “Murder Charges Brought against Duo in 2013 N.J. Slaying.”